

July 11, 1869, Letter from Christian Frautschi to his parents and brothers in Switzerland

About the Original Manuscript:

July 11, 1969, letter from Christian Frautschi to his parents and brothers
Original in University of Wisconsin-Madison, Max-Kade Institute.
Frautschi Letters (MKI/Frautschi3/C1869)

Sender: Christian Frautschi
Letter begins: Dear unforgettable parents and brothers! ...
Date: 1869 July 11, Madison
Published versions: none
Physical description: [1] p. ; 42 x 54 cm folded to 21 x 27 cm: ill.
Notes: In German. In black ink. Business letterhead on front page in upper left hand corner. Line of text in left and right margin. Rips and tears in middle crease of all 4 leaves.

About the electronic version:

Creation of machine-readable version: Frances Scharko and Andrew Jelen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup: Frances Scharko and Andrew Jelen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
LIS839 Special Collections in the Digital Environment (Spring 2000)
Note: Page images have been included from the original source.


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Credits (scanned images): Frances Scharko and Andrew Jelen
Date(s) of scanning: April 17 and 24, 2000
Hardware: Mikrotek Scan Maker 4
Scanning software: Scan Wizard 3.2.4. (Microtek Lab, Inc., c1995)



Christian Frautschi writes to his parents and brothers in Switzerland to thank them for the money they sent. He writes to assure his parents that he is establishing himself in Madison as an undertaker and his recent attendance at a German Reformed congregation. He also comments on his brother J. Jacob's farm.

Text of letter:

| German | English | SGML-encoded text |

Transliteration: Lowell Frautschi

Translation: Lowell Frautschi

Markup: Frances Scharko and Andrew Jelen


Editorial Notes:



Commercial use prohibited. Copyright 2000, by the The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System


Created: 14 April 2000

Comments to: dalbello@scils.rutgers.edu
or kkurdylo@wisc.edu