January 16, 1889, Letter from Christian Frautschi to his brother Johann Frautschi
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Max Kade Institute. Frautschi
Letters (MKI/Frautschi3/
Electronic version: http://frautschi-letters.mki.wisc.edu/let/C1889/Christian1889.html
Madison, Wis
January 16, 1889
Much beloved Brother John,
The news that all was well with you in your valued letter of April
28, last year, pleased me very much. I hope that it is still
so, even now. I long for news of my dear brothers from my old
homeland. The little book on redemption for '89 has arrived.
Hearty thanks.
I have now ordered the Advertiser for another year. I find in it much that reminds me of home and that is interesting and historical about the old homeland. Congratulations on the renovating and heating of the old sacred Saanen church - very practical, indeed almost American. And if the proposed railroad to Saanen is once completed, and Brother Jacob and I are still alive, we will thereupon pay you a visit.
In many respects this past year was for me and my dear family, body and soul, a year of grace and blessings; so that the bleeding wounds of the year 1887 were partially healed again. Surely they will never be altogether healed as long as we live. But it is indeed better.--
We are now enjying good health, God be thanked. On the 17th of May we were increased by the birth of a little girl. In holy baptism she was given the name Alice Victoria. Our oldest son "Emil" has attended high school since September, '87.
The schools are graded here. After the pupils have passed through all the classes of the common city schools, they enter high school, and if graduated from high school, they can then attend the state university without paying tuition. Our young people in our city have great privileges in matters pertaining to schooling, for they have the opportunity to be instructed in all branches of knowledge. To be sure, many good for nothing, indolent children never get through the common city schools.
At the beginning of last year Emil decided not to go to school any longer, and since then he has learned telegraphy, for which he has a great aptitude. Since New years he has resumed his studies in high school. He is a very good son, and gives great joy to his parents. Adolph, the second [son], just 15 years old, is already an inch taller than I, and there is no telling how tall he will get to be. Since last September he has been going to high school, and Bertha Regina will go there a year later if she keeps her health.
In comparison to many other cities, our city enjoys only a slow growth, and yet in the last 10 years it has taken important steps in many modern improvements; for example: 1. waterwords (we have water piped right into the kitchen); 2. sewers; 3. street cars; 4. electric lights, and so forth. Moreover, the city has only 16,000 inhabitants. It is worth noting that last winter was as severe here as where you are. The year was a fruitful one. This winter so far has been mild. A week ago we had considerable snow -- enough for good sledding. Since yesterday it has been raining, to the ruination of the fine sledding. Our dear brothers in Minnesota are well. To you and your dear family heartiest greetings and best wishes for the new year from us all.
Your brother,
Christian Frautschi