
April 1865, Letter from Abraham Frautschi to Christian F. Frautschi

About the Original Manuscript:

Digital formats of transcription and translation only in collection of Max Kade Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Frautschi Letters (MKI/Frautschi3). Images courtesy of Janet Spaeth West and Rick Frautschi


Abraham describes farm activities, noting how times are difficult for farmers as a result of high prices, government taxes, and the harsh weather of the past winter. He also provides information on the doings of various other individuals in the community, noting a death, a marriage, and the illegimate birth of twins.

Text of letter:

German: 1, 2  |  English: 1, 2

Transliteration and translation: Robert S. Spaeth and Roger P. Minert, Ph.D.

Commercial use prohibited. Copyright 2003, by the The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System


Created: 6 May 2003

Comments to: kkurdylo@wisc.edu