
29 June 1909, Letter from Johann Jacob Frautschi to Christian Frautschi

About the Original Manuscript:

This letter was written by John J. Frautschi in St. Paul, Minnesota, to his relatives in Saanen, Switzerland. Only digital formats of the original letter and envelope, as well as the transcriptions and translations, are in the collection of the Max Kade Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Images courtesy of Janet Spaeth West and Rick Frautschi.

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In this letter to relatives in Saanen, Switzerland, Johann writes to express his sorrow that his nephew Christian will have a lame leg as a result of a bad break. He compares the price of a mountain meadow in Saanen (200 dollars) to the price for a farm with a house and barn in Wisconsin or Minnesota (50 to 100 dollars an acre). He acknowledges that the relatives may have to indefinitely postpone plans to travel to America, but Johann hopes that at least Ernst might be able to spend a summer vacation in America. He mentions that his brother Christian came to visit along with his wife, and that they then together went to visit J. Peter, and he reports on details of that visit.

Text of letter:

German: 1, 2 | English: 1, 2

Transliteration and translation: Robert S. Spaeth and Roger P. Minert, Ph.D.

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Created: 12 February 2004

Comments to: kkurdylo@wisc.edu