

20 December 1907, Letter from Johann Jacob Frautschi to Christian Frautschi

About the Original Manuscript:

This letter was written by John J. Frautschi in St. Paul, Minnesota, and sent to his brother Christian in Madison, Wisconsin. Only digital formats of the original letter and envelope, as well as the transcriptions and translations, are in the collection of the Max Kade Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Images courtesy of Janet Spaeth West and Rick Frautschi.

Sender: John Jacob Frautschi
Letter begins: My dear brother C., Another blessed year
Date: 1907 Dec. 20, St. Paul, MN

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About the Electronic Version:

Creation of machine-readable version: Allen Verbrugge, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup: Allen Verbrugge, University of Wisconsin-Madison
LIS839 Special Collections in the Digital Environment (Spring 2000)


As the year 1907 draws to a close, John Jacob Frautschi notes how quickly the years pass by, and muses on how few he possibly has left. The tone is religious and philosophical, as the letter quotes the Bible (King David, the 103rd Psalm). He reflects that the passing year has been a good one for both body and soul, and credits God for His blessings. The letter closes with best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy new year; he notes his family's good health and passes along hopes for the same.

Text of letter:

German | English | SGML-encoded text

Transliteration and translation: Robert S. Spaeth and Roger P. Minert, Ph.D.
Markup: Allen Verbrugge

Commercial use prohibited. Copyright 2004, by the The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System


Created: 14 April 2000
Updated: 12 February 2004

Comments to: kkurdylo@wisc.edu