2 July1869, Letter from Johann Jacob Frautschi to Christian Frautschi
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Johann writes that he is not discouraged from farming, although he does not particularly like his current prairie farm in Minnesota. He plans to take a homestead with two other men, one from Switzerland, in Otter Creek. He is trying to sell his present land, but has not had any success so far; at present he is also out of work. He mentions a brother Johann in Switzerland, who is apparently older but has been able to get a wife.
Text of letter:
German: 1, 2
| English
Transliteration and translation: Robert S. Spaeth and Roger P. Minert, Ph.D.
Commercial use prohibited. Copyright 2003, by the The Board of Regents of the
University of Wisconsin System
Created: 21 May 2003
Comments to: kkurdylo@wisc.edu