25 October 1868, Letter from Christian Frautschi to his parents and brothers in Switzerland
About the Original Manuscript:
[Letter,] 25 October 1868, from Christian Frautschi to his parents and brothers
in Switzerland
Original in University of Wisconsin-Madison. Max Kade Institute.
Frautschi Letters (MKI/Frautschi3/C1868)
Sender: Christian Frautschi
Letter begins: Vielgeliebte Eltern u. Brueder!...
Date: October 25, 1868, Mazomanie, Wisconsin
Physical Description: [2] p. on [1] leaf, 31.5 cm, folded to 23.4 x 20
Notes: In German. Written in black ink faded to brown on ruled paper,
originally folded into 12, with tears at some folds. There is a thumb-sized
tear in the upper left corner, recto, also stain, upper right, recto.
About the Electronic Version:
Creation of machine-readable version: Jeff Gibbens, University
of Wisconsin-Madison
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup: Jeff Gibbens, University of Wisconsin-Madison
LIS839 Special Collections
in the Digital Environment (Spring 2000)
Note: Page images have been included from the original source.
front |
verso |
Credits (scanned images): John Jeffrey Gibbens, with
Kirstin Dougan and Megan Phillips
Date(s) of scanning: 10 April, 2000; (modifications) 24 and
29 April, 2000, 3 May, 2000
Hardware: Mikrotek Scan Maker 4
Scanning software: Scan Wizard 3.2.4 (MicrotekLab, Inc.,
Other specifications: Archival tiff file was scanned at
7.97 x 12.737 inches, 600 dpi, millions of colors.
Letter written after a three month gap in communication, discussing
the hop-growing industry in Sauk Co., Wis., and the summer wheat
harvest. Alludes to the visit of a cousin from Switzerland, and
the difficulty and expense of shipping periodicals and other items
from the United States and Switzerland in the late 1860s.
Text of letter:
| German | English | SGML-encoded text |
Transliteration: Lowell Frautschi and unidentified typist;
transcription of English translation and new translation of p.
6 by John Jeffrey Gibbens
Translation: Lowell Frautschi, with supplementary translation
and editing by John Jeffrey Gibbens
Markup: Jeff Gibbens
Editorial Notes:
The documents used to prepare these texts included a photocopy of a handwritten, undated English translation of the Christian Frautschi letter of 1868 October 25 by Lowell Frautschi, a word-processed German transliteration of the handwritten original, and a photocopy of the original. The German transliteration is not completely accurate and ignores the formatting of both the original and Lowell Frautschi's version. The original spelling is unaltered.
Lowell Frautschi's translation has been presented unaltered, with comments in italics regarding a missing page, translated by JJG, and his misreading of what is apparently Christian Frautschi's signature. In the tagged version, I follow the presentation of the German transliteration, which includes the signature and a marginal greeting at the end of the letter, and also omit the comments from the untagged English transcription. Punctuation in the quote from the New Testament was added. Line and page breaks were adopted from the Lowell Frautschi version; in the newly-translated portion, I imitated Lowell Frautschi's handwritten line lengths in assigning line breaks.
The Pilgrim and The Christian Messenger are both German-language religious publications, the first from Switzerland, the second apparently based in the United States.
Commercial use prohibited. Copyright 2000, by the The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
Created: 14 April 2000
Comments to: dalbello@scils.rutgers.edu
or kkurdylo@wisc.edu