

1859-1887, Excerpts of Letters from Christian Frautschi to his family in Switzerland (handcopied by Bertha Frautschi, after 1947)

About the Original Manuscript:

1859-1887, Excerpts of Letters from Christian Frautschi to his family in Switzerland (handcopied by Bertha Frautschi, after 1947)
Translation in University of Wisconsin-Madison. Max Kade Institute. Frautschi Letters (MKI/Frautschi3)

Sender: Bertha Frautschi
Letter begins: Excerpts of letter that father wrote to Switzerland. Sounds just like him.
Date: 1946
Published versions: none

About the Electronic Version:

Creation of machine-readable version: , University of Wisconsin-Madison
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup: , University of Wisconsin-Madison
LIS839 Special Collections in the Digital Environment (Spring 2000)



Hand-written letter sent to Emil Frautschi after he and Dorothy visited Turbach in 1946, containing excerpts from letters to his family in Switzerland written by Christian Frautschi 1859-1887. In these excerpts, Christian Frautschi writes of the health and well-being of several family members. He expresses special concern for his brothers. Also apparent is the importance of his family's business interests, his children, and his religious convictions.


Text of letter(s):

| English | SGML-encoded text |


Translation: Lowell Frautschi (?)
Markup: John Degon, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Editorial Notes:

1982 translation by Lowell Frautschi of a 1946 letter by Bertha Frautschi. Text of letter is Bertha Frautschi's transcription of eight excerpts of letters by Christian Frautschi written in years 1859-1887.

Where translator is uncertain of text, question marks (?) appear. Translator's comments appear in brackets.


Commercial use prohibited. Copyright 2000, by the The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System


Created: 14 April 2000

Comments to: dalbello@scils.rutgers.edu
or kkurdylo@wisc.edu